Showcase your business and achievements by entering Women In Business Awards. Find the answers to frequently asked questions here:
Do I need to have set-up my own business to be considered for a Women In Business award?
The criteria for different award programmes and categories varies. Some awards have a focus on entrepreneurship such as the Best Business Women Awards which was founded by Mumpreneur Debbie Gilbert.
Whereas others such as the First Women Awards are a celebration of inspiring females from a variety of sectors including Public Service, Healthcare and Tourism & Leisure who are at the top of their game and empowering the next generation.
Are Women in Business Awards only for large companies?
There are awards to celebrate success at every level for those who are innovating and contributing to the wider community. However with some awards the standard is extremely high to showcase truly exceptional business acumen on an international stage. For instance, the Veuve Clicquot Business Woman Awards is one of the most respected international programmes and the criteria stipulates that nominees must be female leaders or founders of a business with a minimum of £15m revenue.
Who has won similar awards in previous years?
High profile winners of Veuve Clicquot Business Woman Awards include Easy Jet’s CEO Dame Carolyn Mccall DBE, Propercorn Founder Cassandra Stravou and Thomas Cook’s former CEO Harriet Green OBE.
However you don’t need to be part of a household brand to have your achievements recognised.
Can I nominate myself for an award?
In most instances, it is both possible to self-nominate and be nominated by colleagues and friends for awards – just as long as the person submitting the entry has enough detailed information about your achievements to put forward a compelling case.
How will winning an award benefit my career?
The benefits of prestigious awards can be far reaching. And it’s not just the winning which proves fruitful. Just by attending such events you will meet a network of role-models and like-minded business women to bolster your business community. And Women in Business awards are incredibly important for providing examples to young females and inspiring the next generation of entrepreneurs.
Which are the most credible awards to enter?
Here is a flavour of some of the most hotly contested awards for women in business:
To develop your award winning strategy, contact Reflection PR Awards on 01603 219191.